Brilliant dentistry.
Modern dentistry is a combination of professional knowledge and innovative, brilliant technology. We have both, and not just in theory but also in (our) practice. But cutting-edge dental technology is no good if it doesn’t help our patients. After all, we only have one thing in mind: healthy teeth.
Gives insight into new dimensions : cone beam computed tomography.
Versatile X-ray equipment puts images of the patient’s skull in a whole new perspective, that is to say not only in 2D but also in 3D. One scan already captures the entire jaw, exposing the patient to the least possible amount of radiation. With this technology we enter new dimensions in terms of dental diagnostics - the taken 3D X-rays shed light even on the most obscure of questions.
Everything in position: computer-navigated implantation.
With implants, thoroughness and conscientiousness is required. In some special cases complicated measures are necessary, and we want to keep these as simple as possible for our patients. Thus, we use computer-navigated implantation if we need to.
Impressive print: myocentric bite registration
State-of-the-art technology reveals to us if your bite force might be lacking some bite. Electromyographically as well as kinesiographically both muscles of mastication and jaw movements are three-dimensionally measured and recorded accurately, the exact occlusal position is deduced from the data. The findings from this computer-aided diagnostics device allow us to develop customised treatments for a wide range of jaw related problems which will surely make a dent.
A pivotal issue: electronic recording of temporomandibular joint.
With electronic recordings, we are in the vanguard when it comes to the treatment of jaw disorders. Using innovative technology, the movements of the temporomandibular joint can be captured and bite position precisely determined. This enables us to help our patients enormously.
Study first, then operate: the OP microscope.
The future looks bright for your teeth: when we operate, we can take an in-depth look thanks to our high-power OP microscope that magnifies teeth by up to 24×.
Seeing is the biggest thing: the magnifying glass.
In our practice, we really put your teeth under the spotlight. With our magnifying glass, we can magnify everything by 4.5×. After all, we can only treat what we can see.
Not a topic that needs to be drilled into you: piezosurgery.
For bone surgery, we use the piezosurgery method and operate gently using ultrasonic vibrations. This not only protects your nerves, but also your teeth – and of course your gums and blood vessels.
Bacteria nipped in the bud: photodynamic therapy.
Uing photodynamic therapy, we can kill bacteria in a damaged tooth or implant highly effectively. This makes everything heal better, and treatment can progress more quickly. Potential complications are halted at the root.
Illuminating decay: laser-induced fluorescence.
If we suspect a tooth of having decay, we can scan it with a laser beam. Rotten tissue appears fluorescent, making identification easier and enabling earlier treatment. This method is completely radiation free and saves you from having major treatment.
A film full of teeth: the intraoral camera.
An intraoral camera is a small video camera that takes images of the mouth and displays them on a monitor. This means you’ll quickly get an idea of the cause of your problem because you can see it for yourself.
Blows deposits away: Airflow.
Substances such as coffee, tea and nicotine cause damaging and unsightly deposits. Using Airflow – a small powder jet device – we can remove these deposits completely and make your teeth shine again.
One step ahead: the electrometric measurement of root canal length.
Measuring twice gives us a better idea: we determine root canal length not only by using digital X-ray techniques, but also electrometrically. The combination of both gives us – and you – a sense of security. After all, we take your teeth very seriously.